Technovation Episode 9: Margin Protection

In the highly competitive world of facility services, protecting your slim margins is crucial for sustainable success.

In today’s dynamic environment, managing subcontractors’ costs poses a significant challenge. If you’re not meticulously monitoring the trips your subcontractors make to job sites, your profits could be eroding unnoticed. Untracked costs and invoices that exceed projected expenses can eat into your margins, making a substantial impact on your bottom line. The use of Not To Exceed (NTE) limits is common in service level agreements, but did you know you can apply the same principle to your subcontractors?

With the advanced technology you can digitally apply NTE’s to your subcontractors invoices, ensuring your margins remain intact. The innovative tools we explore also automate and streamline your client billing process, allowing for the effortless implementation of margin or markup calculations. Instantly apply these to subcontractor proposals or invoices and forward updated client invoices with a single click, ensuring clarity and consistency in billing for various types of work.

Bid farewell to the stress and additional workforce typically involved in AR/AP operations, and welcome margin protection and enhancement, bolstering your business’s profitability and long-term success.

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American Fire Sprinkler Association
